In the Media
Major Japanese Pension Fund Seeds Japan Equity Long-Short Fund
Day Pitney was U.S. legal counsel to GSB Capital, LLC in its multi-country launch of the GSB Equity Long Short Fund. This launch was an industry-first, as it was the first time a Japanese corporate pension fund had seeded an offshore hedge fund. This was due in large part to the relationship that Gordian Capital Japan has with Japanese investors and their comfort with Geoffrey Bennett, the Fund's Founder and Portfolio Manager, who has over 30 years' experience with Japanese markets. The Fund invests in high concentration, high conviction large and mid-cap Japanese equities, and was launched on the Singapore-based Gordian Capital's US$7 billion AUM fund platform. The Day Pitney team consisted of attorneys Peter Bilfield, Eliza Fromberg, Lydia Joo Lee, and Joty Mondal, with tax assistance from Steve Ziobrowski and Justin Hannan. Day Pitney advised the client on, among other things, re-structuring the Fund to accept U.S. investors and U.S. regulatory advice on compliance issues related to CPO registration and exemptive relief. In addition, Day Pitney assisted with the preparation of offering documents.
The deal was featured in HedgeWeek's article, "Major Japanese Pension Fund Seeds Japan Equity Long-Short Fund."
Read the full article here.