Thought Leadership
July 25, 2024
City of Miami Proposes Administrative Site Plan Review Ordinance to Streamline Permitting Process
Like many cities across the United States, the City of Miami has been focused on the topic of zoning reform. As Miami continues to experience growth and redevelopment, the city is taking decisive steps to address the demand for a more efficient and predictable development process. On July 17, 2024 the City of Miami's Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board unanimously recommended approval of legislation (Ordinance) introduced by the Office of Zoning establishing an administrative site plan review process (ASPR) for "by right" projects and introducing several other reforms aimed at improving the city's zoning approval process.
This proposed ordinance is an important indicator that the city recognizes the need to foster a more welcoming business environment to attract quality urban development and reduce inefficiencies in the Miami 21 Zoning Code (M21 Code) to ensure that Miami remains a hub of investment.
A summary of the key zoning reforms included in the proposed Ordinance and the expected implications for developers and permit applicants are noted below:
By-Right ASPR Process
Validity Period for Special Permits and ASPR Extended to Three Years
Reduction in Minimum Land Area for Phased Projects to One Acre
Conclusion and Next Steps