In the Media
National Publication: A 50 State Survey on Opioid Prescribing Requirements
Susan Huntington and Alexandra MacKenzie Pearsall authored the section on CT law in "State Response to Opioid Crisis and Opioid Prescribing Requirements: A 50 State Survey," a resource published by the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA). In their section, Huntington and Pearsall outline Connecticut's requirements with respect to prescription drug monitoring systems, prescribing controlled substances, and state Medicaid and workers’ compensation requirements related to prescriptions for controlled substances. The state survey resource is available exclusively to members of the AHLA Physician Organizations Practice Group.
The AHLA is the nation's largest, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) educational organization devoted to legal issues in the health care field with nearly 14,000 members. Huntington served as Vice Chair of the AHLA Enterprise Risk Management Task Force from 2016 to 2019.