In the Media
Law360's Glass Ceiling Report: Women in Law – Ceiling Smashers
Day Pitney announced that the firm has once again earned a spot on Law360's "2022 Ceiling Smashers" list from the publication's annual Glass Ceiling Report. The firm ranked sixth amongst law firms with 251 to 600 attorneys for the highest representation of women in their equity partnership for its size category. More than 32 percent of Day Pitney's equity partners are women.
In "These Firms Have the Most Women in Equity Partnerships" Law360 stated, "But at these firms, women have made inroads into the upper ranks, and are smashing the glass ceiling that has long kept women from making it into leadership roles."
At Day Pitney:
Total Partners: 34.4% are women
Equity Partners: 32.5% are women
Nonequity partners: 37.8% are women
Associates: 57.1% are women
Other Lawyers: 38.3% are women