Day Pitney Participating in Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification Process
Day Pitney is participating in the Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification process that launched in July 2022. Day Pitney has been a part of this process since the inaugural version in 2017, and has achieved Mansfield Certification Plus each year. The goal of the Mansfield Rule, an initiative of the Diversity Lab, is to increase the representation of historically underrepresented lawyers in law firm leadership. Now entering its sixth year, the Mansfield Rule requires law firms to consider at least 30 percent historically underrepresented lawyers from four groups (women lawyers, lawyers of underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, lawyers with disabilities and LGBTQ+ lawyers) when appointing to leadership roles and promoting into the equity partnership, among a dozen other activities that focus on the path to leadership. Firms must also consider 30% underrepresented talent for C-suite roles.
Learn more here.