In the Media
Barr's Special Counsel Pick Known For Not Caving To Politics
Stan Twardy was quoted in the Law360 article, "Barr's Special Counsel Pick Known For Not Caving To Politics." The article discusses Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, whom U.S. Attorney General William Barr recently made special counsel for the probe into the origins of the Russian election-interference investigation. The piece describes Durham as a "by the book" prosecutor who keeps politics out of his work, according to Constitution State attorneys.
Twardy said that the fact that Durham didn't rush to put out findings from his investigation before the 2020 presidential election show that he doesn't cave to political pressures and has integrity as a prosecutor.
"John wasn't going to be rushed to get something done before the election," Twardy said, adding that Durham's investigation was likely slowed down by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the full article here (subscription).