Chris Stracco to Receive Equal Justice Award from Legal Services of New Jersey
Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ) will present New Jersey partner Chris Stracco with its Equal Justice Award at the LSNJ's 2019 Equal Justice Awards ceremony on June 3 at the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton Township, NJ. Chris is being honored for his strong commitment, during his many years of public service, to addressing the needs of New Jersey residents living in poverty. The occasion will be the LSNJ's Equal Justice Awards ceremony, which recognizes the special efforts of those in the private and public sectors to provide legal assistance and more equal justice to those in poverty. Also being honored with the Equal Justice Awards are State Senator Sandra Cunningham and State Senator Declan O'Scanlon. Also at the ceremony, State Senator Loretta Weinberg and Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, as well as former Chief Justice Robert Wilentz and former Attorney General Robert DelTufo (the latter two posthumously) will be inducted into the New Jersey Equal Justice Library and Archives Circle of Honor.