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June 4, 2018

Day Pitney's Women Working Together in Boston Sponsors Second Annual Volunteer Service Event at Rosie's Place

Day Pitney's WWT Rosie's Place 2018

Pictured are (back L to R): Amy Lonergan; Heather Harris; Glynis Ritchie; Barbara Freedman Wand; Diana Hsu; Jordana Schreiber and Jaclyn O'Leary; (front L to R) Melissa Bruynell Manesse; Rebecca Tunney; Katherine Bocchichio and Patricia Look.

On June 4, Day Pitney's Women Working Together (WWT) group in Boston sponsored its second annual volunteer service event at Rosie's Place in downtown Boston. Twelve women from the Boston office cooked and served dinner -- underwritten by Day Pitney's WWT -- to 100 women and children at the shelter. Rosie's Place was founded in 1974 as the first women's shelter in the United States.

In addition, Day Pitney held a Boston office-wide collection for items including toiletries, clothing, adult and children's books, and non-perishable food, which were distributed during the visit at the shelter. Day Pitney participants also delivered funds raised through a "Jeans Day" event at the Boston office, which permitted employees to wear jeans to work in exchange for a donation to Rosie's Place.

For more information about Day Pitney and its Women Working Together initiative, click here.

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Press Contact

Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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