In the Media
Stan Twardy Discusses Fostering Diversity at Day Pitney with the New Jersey Law Journal
Stan Twardy spoke with the New Jersey Law Journal about Day Pitney's Parsippany office topping the NJLJ's 2014 diversity survey in three out of four categories. Among Day Pitney's partnership, 30.8 percent are women; among nonpartners 52.5 percent are women and 37.5 percent are minorities. Day Pitney's success in fostering a diverse workplace follows the firm's decision in 2012 to hire a full-time diversity director, Asker Saeed, said Stan Twardy. Saeed's work has included meeting with minority attorney groups to spread the message that Day Pitney is committed to a diverse workplace. "Because of the work Asker has done in the community, we're better known as a place that is concerned about diversity," Twardy said.