In the Media
Bridge-the-Gap II: Ethics and Skills for Newly Admitted New York Attorneys 2021, Practising Law Institute
Ariel M. Risinger will be a speaker at the webinar, "Bridge-the-Gap II: Ethics and Skills for Newly Admitted New York Attorneys 2021," hosted by the Practising Law Institute on August 16. She will be speaking on the "Ethical Implications of Social Media Use by Lawyers" panel. The panel will cover topics such as the risks of social media with respect to lawyers' professional obligations to clients, employee social media policy and compliance invoking attorney conflicts of interests issues, and managing user-generated content including the fiduciary obligations of lawyers.
The event provides three hours of New York ethics credits, which can allow those newly admitted in New York to satisfy the annual New York MCLE ethics and skills requirements. If you are interested in registering for the event or would like more information, please click here.