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In the Media

December 11, 2019

The Land Use Institute: Mt. Laurel and Other Hot Topics

On December 11, Craig Gianetti will be speaking at "The Land Use Institute: Mt. Laurel and Other Hot Topics," a program presented by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) in cooperation with the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) Land Use Section and the New Jersey Chapter of the American Planners Association.

Gianetti, who currently serves as vice-chair of the NJSBA Land Use Law Section, will join real estate attorneys, planners and other land use professionals for in-depth discussions about critical topics in New Jersey planning and development. The program will feature a discussion on the most recent Mt. Laurel decision issued by the New Jersey Supreme Court, which gave the judiciary oversight over municipal affordable housing compliance. Additional topics will include an in-depth discussion on the Riggs test and challenges to municipal zoning ordinances, the time of application rule and the need for uniform applications for site plans, as well as ethics.


Craig M. Gianetti
Craig M. Gianetti
Parsippany, NJ
| (973) 966-8053

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Elyse Blazey Gentile
Director of Communications


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