C-Corp. Conversions Not Attractive To All Pass-Throughs
Stephen Ziobrowski was quoted in an article, “C-Corp. Conversions Not Attractive To All Pass-Throughs,” published by Law360. The article focuses on the risks involved with a business converting from a pass-through entity to a C corporation in light of the recent tax reform. “Incorporation is like marriage — easy to get into, hard to get out of,” Ziobrowski told Law360. “Once you incorporate, you’re pretty well stuck, because if you want to change your form after that, you’re treated as if you’ve sold all your assets for fair market value. So you have to pay tax to continue owning the assets you already own.”
As noted in the article, practitioners do not anticipate a large number of pass-through businesses converting to C corporation status. With all the risks involved and the benefits currently afforded to pass-throughs, Ziobrowski said the only thing that could prompt a mass conversion is Congress somehow guaranteeing a lower corporate tax rate, at least for existing businesses. “It’s a huge change,” he said, adding, “You don’t go back on this one.”
Day Pitney Press Release
The IRS recently announced the cost-of-living adjustments applicable to certain dollar limitations for employee pension benefit plans for 2024.
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney Partners Gretchen Blauvelt-Marquez, Michael Fitzpatrick, James Leva, Nicole Magdiziak and Thomas O'Mullane's promotion to partnership and Partner Todd Terhune's arrival to the firm were featured in the New Jersey Law Journal's New Partners Yearbook 2023.
Day Pitney's election of 11 new partners was featured in Law360 Pulse article, "Day Pitney Elevates 11 To Partner."
Day Pitney Real Estate and Land Use Partner Nicole Magdziak's promotion to partner was featured in Real Estate NJ's article, "Day Pitney Real Estate, Land Use Lawyer in New Jersey Named Partner."
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney Press Release