In the Media
March 10, 2011
David Swerdloff Serves as Panelist at NACD-CT Event
NACD-CT's next event will examine issues facing non-profit boards and how these issues differ, if at all, from those being faced by for-profit directors. Among the topics for discussion the panel will discuss are:
- What should one expect in serving on the board of a non-profit?
- Who should be selected as a non-profit board member?
- Should every board member be expected to be a fund raiser
- If not a fund raiser, what skills should a non-profit board populate itself with?
- Is there a recommended "good mix" of skills and talents for the board?
- Should there be term limits for board members?
- In what areas should non-profit boards involve themselves and in what areas do non-profit boards often make a wrong turn?
- Defining the mission of the organization
- Creating the strategic plan - more active role than that of a for-profit board?
- When does "oversight" cross the line to become "infringement" on management's responsibilities and prerogatives
- Revenue & funding - does the CEO drive this or "punt" it to the board?
- Evaluation of the CEO
- Succession planning - selection of a new CEO
- Liability Issues
- Statutory exculpation of directors
- D & O Insurance - Is it needed?
- An increased level of compliance concerns
- Aggressive Attorneys General
- How does the board establish a "process-oriented" approach for itself and for management in order to get comfort on liability issues? How "perfect" does it need to be?
- As well as other issues that non-profit boards often face, including:
- What's the right size for a board
- Should a non-profit board be larger because of the need for recognizable community participants
- If the board is large, should the Executive Committee undertake the "administrative" functions for the sake of efficiency? What problems does that create?
- "National" vs "Local" non-profits. Are there different skill sets needed in a board resulting from the organization's scope?
- What's the right amount of "process" that non-profit boards need
- Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO, The Humane Society of the United States
- Edward A. Kangas, Chairman of the Board, Tenet Healthcare Corporation; Former Global Chair & CEO, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; Director United Technologies Corp., Intuit, Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions Inc., and Hovnanian Enterprises Inc.
- William Kosturko, Former EVP and General Counsel, People's United Financial, Inc.
- David A. Swerdloff, Partner, Day Pitney