David Doyle Serves as Panelist at Day Pitney-Sponsored NACD CT Chapter Event on Pension Plans
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pension Plan Funding Crisis? Key Indicators & Best Practices for Directors
The current and projected funding status of pension plans and post retirement health plans is a subject of great interest both within government and private enterprise. All fiduciaries, including corporate directors, need to be aware of the various accounting, legal and human resource issues associated with this evolving situation. This session will focus on some of these issues and hopefully result in a dialogue on anticipated solutions and outcomes.
This session will provide:
An overview of the current issues effecting governmental and private pension plans
The current legal environment pertaining to fiduciary responsibilities associated with pension and other employee plans
Best practices for directors and other fiduciaries regarding pension and post-retirement health plans
Anthony Abazzia, Principal & Consulting Actuary, Buck Consultants
David P. Doyle, Partner, Day Pitney LLP
Robert Starr, Vice President & Treasurer, Kaman Corporation
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Where: The Hartford Club
46 Prospect Street, Hartford, CT
Time: 7:00amĀ - 9:00am
NACD Members: $45.00
Non-Members: $65.00