Morse v. Kraft
Jaclyn O'Leary co-authored an article for the Boston Bar Association Trusts & Estates Section blog on the Supreme Judicial Court's July 29 decision in Morse v. Kraft. Jaclyn and William K. Moran of Bass, Doherty & Finks, P.C., write that although the court "ruled that the trustee was authorized to transfer property from one trust to another without the consent of the beneficiaries or the court," it also "declined to recognize that trustees have an inherent power to decant." As such, they expect that in the future "practitioners will include express language in a trust to give the trustee the power to decant in situations where the settlor intends to give that power to the trustee."
The blog post can be found here.
Day Pitney Trusts and Estates Partner Tasha Dickinson and Senior Associate Stephanie Eassa Rapp were recognized by Palm Beach Illustrated as "Top Lawyers in 2024," in its September 2024 issue.
Day Pitney Private Client Partner Dina Kapur Sanna has been recognized by Who's Who Legal as a WWL: Thought Leaders Global Elite 2024 and for Thought Leaders USA 2024.
Day Pitney Trusts and Estates Partner Tasha Dickinson authored an article for TheStreet's Retirement Daily titled, "Beyond the Will: Essential Estate Planning for Child-Free Couples."
Day Pitney Trusts and Estates Partner Christine Fletcher authored an article for titled, "5 Things You Should Know About Trustee Fees." The article details considerations for how to be compensated when you are a trustee for a friend or family member.
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update