Beth Barton Quoted in New England Real Estate Journal Article on Economic Drivers for Central Connecticut
Beth Barton is quoted on recent Connecticut brownfields legislation in an article, "Metro Hartford?- Where planning meets opportunity," that appears in the February 17-23 edition of the New England Real Estate Journal. Beth comments on Connecticut's new Brownfields Remediation and Revitalization Program, observing that it "offers liability relief and additional incentives geared to get these properties cleaned up, generating jobs and paying property taxes."
Day Pitney Real Estate Partner Steven J. Wernick was featured in South Florida Business Journal article, "Wynwood Walls Creator, Developer Partner on Hotel, Condo Building."
Day Pitney Real Estate Partner Jared Ross was featured in the Boston Globe article "Boston's Office-to-Residential Conversion Program Has Only a Handful of Takers So Far. Here's Why."
Day Pitney Real Estate Partner Steven J. Wernick was featured in The Real Deal article "Gov. Ron DeSantis Signed the Amendments into Law on Thursday."
Day Pitney Real Estate Partner Steven J. Wernick was featured in the Law360 article "Miami Not Immune to Office Distress, Foreclosure Bid Shows," discussing his role in the Wynwood Neighborhood Revitalization District.
Day Pitney Real Estate, Environmental and Land Use Partner Steven Wernick is featured in the Miami Herald article "The End of Single-Family-Only Home Suburbs? Miami-Dade Zoning Rule Impact Could Be 'Sweeping'."
Day Pitney Real Estate, Environmental and Land Use Counsel Joseph A. Ruiz was featured in the South Florida Business Journal article "Local Distillery Proposes Location in Miami-Dade Warehouse."
Day Pitney Real Estate Partner Jared Ross has been elected to the Board of Directors of the New England Council.
Day Pitney Alert
Day Pitney Alert
Day Pitney Land Use team represented Spring Grove Property LLC before the Borough of New Providence Board of Adjustments in its application for amended site plan, conditional use and variance approval in connection with an addition to its existing nursing home facility, to provide for on-site dialysis and more private rooms.