Warren Whitaker and Dina Kapur Sanna Featured in Legal Bisnow
Legal Bisnow profiled Warren Whitaker and Dina Kapur Sanna for their work on behalf of clients navigating the U.S. government's voluntary disclosure program for those with offshore accounts. The IRS formerly permitted anonymous disclosure negotiations through an attorney, but it has since taken a harsher stance, including requiring payment of interest and other penalties. The article also notes that Warren's work has him traveling to Europe several times a year, where he gives speeches in France and sits on the U.S. board of London's Shakespeare Globe Theatre.
Day Pitney Trusts and Estates Partner Tasha Dickinson authored an article for TheStreet's Retirement Daily titled, "Beyond the Will: Essential Estate Planning for Child-Free Couples."
Day Pitney Trusts and Estates Partner Christine Fletcher authored an article for Forbes.com titled, "5 Things You Should Know About Trustee Fees." The article details considerations for how to be compensated when you are a trustee for a friend or family member.
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Estate Planning Update
Day Pitney Partner Renée Evangelista was honored with a Rhode Island Monthly Professional Excellence in Law Award for 2024.
Day Pitney Press Release