A Preferred Venue For TCPA Plaintiffs
Joy Harmon Sperling, Mark Salah Morgan and Albert Levi authored an October 16 Law360 article on a recent ruling further clearing the way for class action suits under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The U.S. District Court ruled in A&L Industries v. P. Cipollini Inc. that class actions are a better means to resolve TCPA disputes than are individual claims. Joy, Mark and Albert write that the "practical significance of these developments is that New Jersey TCPA plaintiffs will likely avoid state courts and instead seek to obtain TCPA class certification in federal court. These class actions have the potential to lead to larger awards because the TCPA provides for treble damages."
Day Pitney Litigation Partner Mark Romance and Fiduciary and Probate Litigation Partner Ann Hetherwick "Hether" Cahill were featured in the CityBiz article, "Day Pitney Names Mark Romance and Ann Hetherwick Cahill Chairs of Fiduciary and Probate Litigation Practice Group."
Day Pitney Press Release
Three Day Pitney Private Client Department Partners were selected for inclusion on Boston magazine's Top Lawyers of 2024 list*. The selected attorneys are: Christine N. Fletcher, Partner – Trusts and Estates; Jordana G. Schreiber, Partner – Trusts and Estates; and Tiffany M. Bentley, Partner – Family Law.
Day Pitney Litigation Department Chair Manuel Garcia-Linares was featured in the Daily Business Review article, "Florida Supreme Court Clarifies Qualifications for Court – Appointed Arbitrators." Garcia
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney Miami Partners Melissa A. Rodriguez and Mark A. Romance authored the article "Tradition vs. Technology: Original Paper Wills Are Still Required," for the Daily Business Review.
Day Pitney Litigation Partner Mark Romance co-authored the article, "Tips for Navigating First-Time Trial Preparation," for the ABA Litigation Section Newsletter.
Boston partner Hether Cahill will be a faculty member during the upcoming Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) “Taking Depositions Interactive Workshop 2024,” including presenting specifically on the topic “Using Demonstratives,” on October 18.
Day Pitney Press Release
Day Pitney's Fiduciary and Probate Litigation team in Boston authored several chapters in the 6th edition of Fiduciary Litigation in the Probate Court, published by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE).