Day Pitney hosts Hartford and Springfield High School Students
On July 11, 2013, Day Pitney hosted a group of Hartford and Springfield high school students participating in a Summer Legal Institute put on by the Just the Beginning Foundation (JTBF). JTBF serves middle school, high school, college and law students across the country through education, mentorship, and programs building the pipeline for diversity in the legal field. JTBF offers educational and inspirational programming at no cost to participants as we lay the foundation for their educational and professional excellence. The Summer Legal Institute is a five day legal immersion program for students with an interest in law, public policy and government. The program's main goal is to inspire racially/ethnically, socioeconomically, and culturally diverse students to learn more about the law and to set high academic and personal goals for themselves. These programs provide an opportunity for students to visit law firms, the District Court, and corporate legal counsel's office to learn about the different ways one can practice law, and to encourage students to stay in contact with volunteer attorneys and judges as mentors. Scholars also prepare for an intensive appellate oral argument throughout the week and participate in business and professional etiquette coursework culminating in an exciting networking reception.
The students were welcomed to the firm by Hartford office managing partner Sam Caligiuri and Hartford attorney Shawn Wooden. They then participated in a panel discussion with Day Pitney attorneys Laura Schuyler, Namita Shah and Dan Wenner, Director of Diversity Asker Saeed, and John Deitelbaum of the MassMutual legal department discussing different careers one could pursue with a law degree. They then attended breakout sessions with Day Pitney's summer apprentice class covering topics such as "how to survive law school," "things to consider while in college" and "things to do outside of school to maximize opportunities." The afternoon culminated in an ice cream social for all participants and other Day Pitney attorneys and guests.